Sunday, December 14, 2008

We got Snow!!!!!

We woke up this morning and saw 2 inches of snow on the ground. so we just had to go out and play in it. we could only go out for a little while, cause it was cold and jessi and justin were sick. but we had a lot of fun.

Just us
he kept thinking his boots were dirty

Justin's little tiny snowman and the snow he kept eating.

he had to swing and slide down his slide.

litterlly he kept eating the snow and saying "YUM SNOW".


Damien and Ashley said...

That is the cutest little snowman! We got a ton of snow here too---we are so excited! Now it really seems like Christmas!

p.s. I was wondering why it says we haven't updated our blog for 2 weeks on your sidebar, then remembered it's cuz I went private. I really have posted things, I haven't been slackin'! :)

Jeff, Mandy and Kids! said...

I love the snow pics! I hope Jessi and Justin get feeling better soon!

Tyson and Rachelle said...

So dang cute! Oh to be a kid again and eat snow!!!